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来源:bsport体育官网入口      日期:2024年11月20日 18:42     浏览量:

陈要平,男,汉族,河南许昌人,中共党员。博士,副教授,硕士生导师,入选国家“中韩青年科学家交流计划”和安徽省“留学人员创新项目择优资助计划”。2015年2月于韩国韩瑞大学获得环境工程专业博士学位,2024-2025年在韩国公州国立大学Smart Infrastructure Engineering系任研究员。





(一)概述:主持中韩青年科学家交流计划、安徽省留学人员创新项目择优资助计划、国家重点实验室开放基金等多项课题;参加中韩政府间国际创新合作重点专项、中国工程院重点咨询研究项目、国家自然科学基金、合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院及企业委托项目。在Applied Surface Science、KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering、煤炭学报、Membrane Water Treatment等SCI/EI期刊发表论文12篇。出版专著1部,参与制订《采煤塌陷区水资源环境调查与评价方法》国家标准1项。



2.中国科学技术部/韩国国家研究基金会,政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,Researching key technologies for climate-resilient sponge citiesusing ecological biotechnology and smart institutional strategies,2023-2026,参加;





1.Zhaojing Li,Yaoping Chen*, Duiyu Wang, Ke Yang, and Jiahao Sun.Synthesis of composites from coal gasification slag by acid leaching and NaOH activation for efficient adsorption of methylene blue.Applied Surface Science, 2025, 679, 161186.

2.Yaoping Chen, Duiyu Wang, Zhaojing Li, Hao Wen, Ke Yang, and Lina Zhang. Characterization andenvironmentalriskassessment ofcoal-basedsolidwaste towardsundergroundbackfilling. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2024, 28(4): 1141-1150.

3.Chen Y.P., Guerra H.B., and Kim Y. Clogging potential in constructed vertical flow wetlands employing different filter materials for first-flush urban Stormwater runoff treatment.Journal of Wetlands Research. 2018, 20(3): 235-242.

4.Chen Y.P., Park K., and Kim Y. Particleretention incompactconstructedwetlandstreatinghighwaystormwater.Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69(7): 1440-1446.

5.Chen Y.P., Park K., Niu S., and Kim Y. Performance of ahalf-saturatedverticalflowwetlandpacked withvolcanicgravel instormwatertreatment.Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69(11): 2331-2338.


1.Y. Chen.Soil andgroundwatercontamination.20thInternational Conferenceon Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication, Daegu, South Korea, December 6-8, 2023, Session Chair.

2.Chen Y.P., Heidi B. Guerra, Cheng J., Kim Y.Treatment of urban stormwater in pilot-scale vertical flow wetlands packed with different substrate materials.16thConference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 8thConference on Resource Oriented Sanitation.Perth, Australia, December 1-5, 2019, Oral presentation.

3.Jiyeon Choi, Jevelyn Ann Tobio, Jungsun Hong, Gigyung Yu, Lee-Hyung Kim, Youngchul Kim,Yaoping Chen, Jing Cheng. Formulation of design guidelines for the cost-effectiveness of constructed wetlands in improving water quality.International Low Impact Development Conference 2015.Houston, USA, January 19-21, 2015, Poster presentation.

4.Chen Y.P., Cheng J., Yuan Q.K., and Kim Y. Contributions of emergent vegetation acting as a substrate for biofilms in a free water surface constructed wetland.14thInternational Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control.Shanghai, China, 2014, Oral presentation.

5.Chen Y.P., Niu S.P., and Kim Y. Particle separation and the accumulation of clogging matters in three bio-filters treating urban stormwater.Specialist Conference on Advances in Particle Science and Separation: from mm to nm scale and beyond.Sapporo, Japan, 2014, Oral presentation.



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